Some call the
State of Punjab the “wild west” of India. At least part of that reputation
comes from the ancient conquest of northern India by Babur and the rise of the
Sikh religion in the early 1600s. Known to be a fierce and proud people, Sikh
through the centuries have endured great turmoil and conquest by many invading
The British
designated the Mazhabi as a “martial race,” deeming them naturally warlike and
aggressive in battle. They lauded the Sikh qualities of courage, loyalty,
physical strength, resilience and orderliness. Sikh warriors were known to
fight tenaciously and devise clever military strategies.
The Sikh
religion emphasizes the equality of all people, and they reject discrimination
based on caste, greed and gender. Sikhism
is monotheistic, and adherents believe that all religions are equally valid and
capable of bringing enlightenment to their followers.
Sikhism teaches equality, the people live in a Hindu nation, with its caste
system, that greatly affects them culturally. Once a mighty empire, many Sikh
tribes today live in poverty. Among them are the Mazhabi Sikh of modern-day
Punjab. They are considered to be the “lowest of the low” in relation to other
people groups, known as an “untouchable” caste. They are denied contact with
other people groups and have only
limited access to education and resources many Indians take for granted. The
government has recognized the Mazhabi as a “scheduled caste,” meaning they are
given advantages through India’s program that resembles Affirmative Action. Still,
poverty and illiteracy remain rampant among them.
Building upon
that foundation, the Schools of Evangelism (SOEs) in Punjab and Haryana are
reaching out to the Sikh. The Mazhabi have been adopted as one of ER’s
“Unreached People Groups,” and a team, consisting of nine people, is already
praying that they will be reached with the love of Jesus Christ.
A recent
e-mail from our Punjab/Haryana SOE Director reports progress among the Mazhabi
Sikh and two other Sikh tribes, the Jat and the Rai. Among the Mazhabi, more than 2.6 million
strong, students and graduates of the SOE have undertaken evangelism in 75
villages, with 240 accepting Christ! 82 have been baptized, and two Portable
Bible Schools have been held to train lay leaders. Eleven Mazhabi have been
trained at the SOE, and five of them are now working among these precious
people. 24 cell churches are meeting, with an average of 10 people each.

Would you like
to join the prayer team for an Unreached People Group like the Mazhabi? Perhaps
your small group or Sunday School class would join you! Send an e-mail now to If you
would like to see a listing of the fifteen groups being adopted by ER, visit
our UPG page on our website at:
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